Recipe for Donuts (hidden)

This page has a hidden shortcode/rich snippet for a a donut-recipe.

[nopublicrecipe name=”Donuts” recipetype=”dessert” photo=”” published=”19.11.2012″ preptime=”15″ cooktime=”30″ totaltime=”45″ nutrition=”250″ yield=”10 pieces” ingredients=”5 eggs, 250g suggar, 250g margarine, 250g flour, 5g baking powder” summary=”Easy and quick donuts” rating=”5″ count=”35″ author=”Flow” thumbnail=””]
Mix all the ingredients to a smooth dough. Back it in a Donut Maker for 3-4 minutes.

Photo: © alain wacquier –

Test this shortcode with the rich snippet testing tool

This is how it should look like:

Recipe Snippet Demo
Recipe Snippet Demo

Software Application

This blog entry has a not-visible shortcode that shows a software application syntax to search engines.

You can test it wich Google’s Rich Snippet Testing Tool here.

[softwareapplication image=”” price=”10″ rating=”10″ best_rating=”10″ language=”German” operatingsystem=”WordPress” category=”Plugins” currency=”USD”]An easy to use WordPress plugin that allows to make paragraph spacings and line breaks.[/softwareapplication]

Organization Logo

[organization url=”” logo=””][/organization]

Hidden Product

This page has an hidden product shortcode. You can find a detailed description on the Rich Snippet WordPress Plugin FAQ.

[hiddenproduct name=”Schema Corporate WordPress Theme” image=”” description=”A WordPress Theme with full support” brand=”WPBuddy” identifier=”WPB-SCT” price=”69″ rating=”7″][/hiddenproduct]

Test this shortcode with Google

Rich Snippets Product Hidden for the User

Product Review

[productreview product_name=” WordPress Theme” img_src=”” rating_value=”5″ price=”69″ review_author_name=”WP-Buddy” review_date=”09.09.2013″ review_subject=”Best Theme Ever” review_worst_rating=”0″ review_rating_value=”5″ review_best_rating=”5″ review_description=”Full integration of is great!” ]A WordPress Theme that fully supports syntax[/productreview]

Test this shortcode with Google’s Rich Snippet Tool

Product Review Rich Snippet Example


[rating itemreviewed=”iPhone 5″ rating=”7″ reviewer=”wpbuddy” dtreviewed=”16.11.2012″ summary=”This is really cool stuff” best=”10″ worst=”0″]

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum. Stet clita kasd gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus est Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum. Stet clita kasd gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus est Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.



Test this shortcode with the rich snippet testing tool

Recipe for Donuts

[recipe name=”Donuts” recipetype=”dessert” photo=”” published=”19.11.2012″ preptime=”15″ cooktime=”30″ totaltime=”45″ nutrition=”250″ yield=”10 pieces” ingredients=”5 eggs, 250g suggar, 250g margarine, 250g flour, 5g baking powder” summary=”Easy and quick donuts” rating=”5″ count=”35″ author=”Flow” thumbnail=””]
Mix all the ingredients to a smooth dough. Back it in a Donut Maker for 3-4 minutes.

Photo: © alain wacquier –

Test this shortcode with the rich snippet testing tool

This is how it should look like:

Recipe Snippet Demo

MusicGroup for “Robbie Wiliams – Take the crown”

[musicgroup actor=”Robbie Wililams” albumname=”Take the crown”]

[musicrecording name=”Be A Boy” minutes=”4″ seconds=”39″ userplays=”1000″ playurl=”″ buyurl=”″ albumurl=”″ albumname=”Take the crown”][/musicrecording]

[musicrecording name=”Gospel” minutes=”4″ seconds=”26″ userplays=”499″ playurl=”″ buyurl=”″ albumurl=”″ albumname=”Take the crown”][/musicrecording]


Test this shortcode with Google


[event name=”Cool Eventname” street=”Platzl 9″ zip=”80331″ locality=”München” country=”Germany” url=”” start_date=”14.12.2018″ end_date=”16.12.2018″ latitude=”48.137307″ longitude=”11.580357″ organization=”Hofbräuhaus München” image=”” availabilitystarts=”01.11.2018″ price=”99″]Cool Event im Hofbräuhaus Munich[/event]

Test this shortcode with Google


[people name=”WPBuddy” photo=”” title=”Dipl. Ing. (FH)” role=”” url=”” affiliation=”WP-Buddy Engineer”][/people]

Test this shortcode with Google