Research Paper Says Rich Snippets are Compelling

Some days ago I’ve read an interesting article about semantic data and how it affects a sites SEO. “Semantic data” in this case is the data you provide to search engines and that has been processed specially for them. In short: we’re talking about syntax and Rich Snippets.

If you don’t know what Rich Snippets are, go to the home page of this site to learn more.

The research paper I’m talking about were put together by a team at WordLift. Data results were presented at SEMANTiCS 2017 and posted on TorqueMag. I won’t go into every detail as you can read through the whole story yourself. However what blow my mind was the fact that a website was able

  • to get +12.13% new users,
  • saw a +18.47% increase in organic traffic,
  • increased page views +2.4 times,
  • and expanded session duration by +13.75%

Just by adding data! Sounds to good to be true? I’m telling you: it’s not. Why? Because and Rich Snippets are around for a while. It’s not something new. It’s not something special. Search engines force you to add semantic data to your website, too. Why not, using the Rich Snippet WordPress Plugin?