What does “In Sync” mean?

SNIP Pro will have a “sync functionality”. In this article you can read how I envisage the function in the future.

How it will be:

  • The sync functionality keeps all the snippets (that you can find in the archive) in sync with the main site. This is to ensure that the snippets are always up to date.
  • There will a “community” feature that allows someone to maintain a global snippet that others can install, too!

Why is there a need for syncing?

First, Structured Data is very technical and I can understand that it’s difficult for non-techies to integrate. In the past I’ve tried to make everything a lot easier for users:

  • The Structured Data Training course is designed to teach users to learn more about structured data.
  • I’ve integrated a lot of snippets (via the Setup Wizard) that are ready-to-use so that users don’t need to integrate them themselves.
  • Since version 2.14.0 you can find a full archive of snippets that can be imported by just copy & paste the code example.

Second, Google and other search engines constantly changing things. There are two problems here:

  • Structured Data breaks because of the changes by search engines. The users don’t recognize this immediately.
  • Users don’t stay up-to-date regarding Structured Data. So they don’t know that there are changes they need to react to.

Third, Structured Data becomes more and more important for technical SEO. They’re here for many years and they’re not going anywhere. I guess it will be the other way around: more and new Structured Data will pop up in the future and it’s important for users to enjoy the benefit of using those new snippets.

When will the functionality be available?

The sync functionality is built already. I plan to create a nice offer during October 2019.

How much would it cost?

I don’t have a exact amount in mind as it also depends on how complex this functionality is in the end. What I can say for sure is that this will not be a one-time-payment as a sync-functionality assumes that a person observes what is changing in the world of structured data.

Where can I express interest?

Once the functionality is available I will inform the readers of SNIPs mailing list. Of course with an offer that you cannot refuse! 😉

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