Dev environment

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  • #4289


    I just spend a good amount of time setting up Article/Product and Localbusiness schema on my local development after buying the plugin.

    I went and installed it on production for a client, thinking I could export and then import my settings. But this was not my experience.

    I noticed I cannot use my plugin on development without activating it. And i looks like deactivating the plugin removes all my data that I had setup.

    Because of envato policy that a plugin license is purchased per site I have to buy 2 plugins. Which is kind of a weird practice if you ask me. Because any developer that wants to develop a site has to comply with a mandatory purchase of 2 licenses.

    So, is there a way I can use the plugin (for free) on local development? Other plugins solve this issue by adding an ‘alias’ option to a license.

    Anyway, the plugin is great. What is not so great is that I lost all of my work I did on local development because I deactivated the plugin.

    • This topic was modified 2 years, 3 months ago by melcarthus.


    Please give me more deactivation retries for the plugin. Or reset the ‘activation ban’ 3 times per month is ridiculous. I just bought the plugin and already can’t use it anymore because of the local dev vs production issue I stated in my OP.

    Nor my dev nor my production environment can use the plugin anymore because I deactivated it to many times…


    Hey there,
    and thanks for your message. Sorry for my super late reply on this one.

    I’m super sorry for that issue but unfortunately due to the fact that I’m selling exlusively on CodeCanyon I’m bound to Envatos rules. I’ve reported this issue many times but it seems they don’t listen 🙁

    What I can recommend is to use a subdomain of the main domain for developing. Envatos license explicitly allows to use the same purchase code on subdomains.

    For the activation reset, please get in touch via email (support @ wp-buddy dot com) telling me your purchase code and the domain.


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