This course was designed to help you better understand what structured data is, how it works, and what you can do with it. The course is completely free of charge and you can view it immediately (see below) without registration. I hope you enjoy it!
Why this Structured Data Training exist
Hey there. My name is Florian. I’m developer of SNIP, the Structured Data Plugin for WordPress that exists since 2011.
In this course I want to teach all of my customers (and non-costumers) what Structured Data is, how it affects SEO, why it is super important for the future of any website and how SNIP can be used to get the best results.
I’ve separated the course into several modules. The first one explains the basics of structured data. I’m going through some questions like: what is structured data, why is it important, what do search engines do with it and many more.
I describe the techniques how structured data can be implemented. Here I guide you through the different formats that exist. In this module it becomes a little technical. But don’t worry. My customers have asked me a lot of questions over the last few years, so I know exactly where most people need help. That’s why I’m sure I can give you the best description so everyone understands it.
In module 2 I’ll create some Structured Data Types that generate Rich Snippets in Search Results. In the end I’ll explain more advanced topics of the plugin that will make your life a lot easier. For example you can create a so called „Global Snippet“ that allows you to create one single snippet and use it on multiple posts, pages or custom post types in WordPress.
Sound’s good? Great. Let’s start. I’ll see you in the first lesson!
Module 1
In the first module I want to explain the different terms, like schema type, schema class, rich snippets, etc.
Here it’s also important to understand how Structured Data Works and how you can find the right Schema-Type for your purpose.
Lesson 1: Structured Data in SEO
What is structured data and why is it important?

Lesson 2: How Structured Data works
What is and JSON+LD? And how do they work?

Lesson 3: Schema Types and Properties
How to find the right schema types and properties

Module 2: Work with SNIP
This module is all about SNIP altogether. It answers the questions on how you work with SNIP, how you create Structured Data in WordPress and how you automate things.
Lesson 1: How to integrate Structured Data into your site

Lesson 2: How to create a Global Snippet

Lesson 3: Overwrite Global Properties

Module 3: Popular Structured Data
Module 3 is all about popular Structured Data snippets and how they are created.
Lesson 1: The Article Snippet

Lesson 2: The Recipe Snippet

Lesson 3: The Review Snippet

Lesson 4: The Event Snippet

Lesson 5: The Product Snippet

Lesson 6: The LocalBusiness Snippet

Lesson 7: The Breadcrumbs Snippet