how does working acf repeater loop

i create acf repeter with sub field “link”. the meta data is stored following type


then i select schema loop with acf repeater 


but the data value not showing in schema filed and not working loop also

7 thoughts on “how does working acf repeater loop

  1. Hey there,
    thanks for uploading the images.
    In the “Field Value” textarea, please just use the name of the sub-field in ACF.

    So for example, instead of “acf_cast_0_subcast->url” just use “url”.

    That should do the trick.


  2. not working!
    please understand how i created the acf repeater filed.
    1. create acf repeater field name: (acf_cast)
    field type: repeater

    2. create acf repeater sub field name: (subcast)
    filed type: link

    3. add the acf cast in the post editor

    4. custom field value is create with acf. acf_cast add 7 values. each value store acf_cast_0_subcast
    acf_cast_3_subcast etc… 7….. array value as title and url

    5.add the acf cast repeater loop in schema property

    6. check validation did not show the field and the loop values. (vijay) acf_cast_0_subcast

    7. show only another cast property add normal method with custom filed option

    so the acf repeater loop is not working with “field type: link”

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