Source: classes/view/admin/snippets/properties/table.php


namespace wpbuddy\rich_snippets;

if ( ! defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) {
} // Exit if accessed directly

 * @var string[] $html The rendered properties.
 * @var Rich_Snippet $snippet The current snippet.
 * @var \WP_Post $post
$html    = $this->arguments[0];
$snippet = $this->arguments[1];
//$post    = $this->arguments[2];
$is_pro = rich_snippets() instanceof \wpbuddy\rich_snippets\pro\Rich_Snippets_Plugin_Pro;

$html_id = uniqid( 'wpb_rs_schema_new_property_' );


<table class="widefat wpb-rs-property-list" data-snippet_id="<?php echo esc_attr( $snippet->id ); ?>"
       data-schema_type="<?php echo esc_attr( $snippet->get_type() ); ?>">
        <th colspan="2">
			echo sprintf(
				__( 'Property list for %s', 'rich-snippets-schema' ),
					'<a href="%s" target="_blank">%s <span class="dashicons dashicons-editor-help"></span></a>',
					esc_url( $snippet->get_type() ),
					esc_html( $snippet->get_type() )

				'<input type="hidden" name="snippets[%s][id]" value="%s"/>',
				esc_attr( $snippet->get_type() )

            <a class="wpb-rs-property-expander" href="#">
                <span class="dashicons dashicons-arrow-right"></span>
                <span><?php _e( 'Expand all', 'rich-snippets-schema' ); ?></span>
	if ( ! $snippet->is_main_snippet() ):
		 * Main Snippet hook.
		 * Hooks into the HTML table of the main snippet.
		 * @hook wpbuddy/rich_snippets/properties/table/main
		 * @param {Rich_Snippet} $snippet
		 * @since 2.19.0

	<?php endif; ?>
        <th><?php _e( 'Property', 'rich-snippets-schema' ); ?></th>
        <th><?php _e( 'Type', 'rich-snippets-schema' ); ?></th>
	<?php echo implode( '', $html ); ?>
    <tr class="wpb-rs-schema-property-row-new">
        <td class="first">
			$label = $is_pro ? __( 'Add new property', 'rich-snippets-schema' ) : __( 'Add new property (PRO version only)', 'rich-snippets-schema' );
            <label for="<?php echo esc_attr( $html_id ); ?>"><?php echo $label; ?></label>
        <td class="second">
            <input type="text" name="wpb_rs_schema_property" id="<?php echo esc_attr( $html_id ); ?>"
                   class="wpb-rs-schema-new-property wpb-rs-select" autocomplete="off"
                   placeholder="<?php _e( 'Search for a new property...', 'rich-snippets-schema' ); ?>"/>
            <button class="button wpb-rs-new-property-button">
                <span class="dashicons dashicons-yes"></span>