How to Exclude Structured Data on certain Posts

Of course you can exclude Structured Data on certain posts (pages and custom post types), too. It’s super easy (see down below). However I would not recommend to use this functionality very often as it messes up your ruleset-metabox and therefore it quickly gets very complicated.

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How to use ratings in Structured Data with SNIP

A customer asked how he can use review ratings for an AggregateRating for his WooCommerce products. Here is how it works:

As far as I know you need to use’s WordPress Plugin. It fetches all the ratings from their API and buffers it into the WordPress post meta database table. SNIP can access this data.

First of all you need to follow the example on how to work with custom fields. The configuration of the AggregateRating schema is a little different.

You can use the following values:

  • ratingValue: Post meta field “stamped_io_product_reviews_new->rating”
  • bestRating: Direct Text Input “5”
  • reviewCount: Post meta field “stamped_io_product_reviews_new->count”
  • worstRating: Direct Text Input “1”

That’s it! Have fun! 😉

What does “predefined” mean?

A predefined Global Snippet is a snippet that has been installed by the plugin when you first activate it. More or less that are example- (or demo-) snippets you can work with.

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How to use Loops to iterate over items

In version 2.8.0 of SNIP a long awaited feature came into the plugin. The feature is called “loop” and allows you to define a property to use a loop that it runs through. Here is how this works:

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Errors and warnings on Googles Structured Data Test Tool. What should I do?

It seem that currently no single week passes by where Google does not change something on the Structured Data algorithm. More and more users a writing to me because they get errors and/or warnings on the Structured Data Test Tool or in the Search Console. This blogpost exists to clarify the difference of both.

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How to generate a BreadcrumbList Schema

A breadcrumb trail on a page indicates the page’s position in the site hierarchy. A user can navigate all the way up in the site hierarchy, one level at a time, by starting from the last breadcrumb in the breadcrumb list.

Google uses the BreadcrumbList Schema-Type to show it in search results. You can read more about that on Googles Reference Page. In this post I’ll show you how to generate a BreadcrumbList with SNIP – The Rich Snippets and Structured Data Plugin for WordPress.

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How to deactivate JSON+LD schema output of “The Events Calendar” plugin

Google and other search engines are working heavily on integration. In the past, a lot of theme and plugin authors have integrated in their plugins but could not keep up with the speed of changes. So what I see happens a lot is that plugin and theme authors do not update their code accordingly. This is the case with the The Events Calendar plugin, too. It is missing some fields search engines want to see.

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Is the plugin up-to-date?

A question that I get asked from to time to time is if the plugin gets updated regularly. The answer is yes! The plugin exists since 2011 and it seems that it’s not going anywhere soon! 😉

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Is the plugin multisite-friendly?

Kind of. If you activate the plugin network-wide you have to setup each site separately. There is no “global schema page” that are included on all network-sites at once.

Do you offer a setup service?

Customers asked if I offer kind of a service to setup for them. Unfortunately I can’t do it myself. Please ask your personal Web Developer and / or SEO export to help you out on this.

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What Schema Markup is supported?

This plugin allows you to add every single schema markup found on Here is a complete list that shows all markups on one page.

Plus: the plugin allows you to add schemas from the hosted extensions that are not officially part of the main syntax. You can find a complete list on this page.

Here is a complete list, of schema classes / schema types the plugin:

Does the plugin add content to each website page?

The answer to this questions (obviously) is yes as we have to output readable structured data so that search engines can read it.

However the data that is outputted is not visible to the end user. It’s only readable by search engines.

If you would view the sourcecode of one of your pages, you would find lines starting with something that looks like this:

<script data-snippet_id="snip-59a6a8000b284" type="application/ld+json">...</scrtip>

The data that can be found between these lines is the actual structured data that is formatted in JSON+LD format.

Can I create a star rating system with this plugin?

SNIP, the Structured Data Plugin for WordPress allows you to create Rich Snippets that produce stars in search results. However it does not allow your users to rate your blog post as it’s not a rating plugin. That means it has no built-in rating system that counts automatically.

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What are Global Snippets?

Global Snippets are a beautiful thing. They allow you to add one rich snippet to many posts at once. But how does it work exactly?

How to create a global Rich Snippet

  1. When you activate the plugin you will see a new menu item under “snip” in your WordPress dashboard. It’s named “Global Snippets”.
  2. Just open it up and add a new Global Snippet.
  3. You will then be able to create a Rich Snipppets.
  4. When you’ve finished creating the snippet, you can choose where it should appear.
  5. For this scroll down to the “Position” metabox.
  6. There you can create a set of rules to determine which pages will use these syntax you’ve just created.

Are there any examples?

Yes there are!

  1. Go to “snip | Structured Data” in your WordPress dashboard and choose “Setup Wizard”.
  2. Go through the Setup Wizard. It will ask what schemas you want to install.

How can I fill certain properties automatically?

Can I add another snippet to a post that has a global snippet?

Yes you can. Read more about this here: Can I use multiple snippets on one page?

How to tell search engines which of the snippets is the main snippet on a page

As you may know it’s possible to have multiple snippets on one page. However this may cause side effects. Especially if you’re using multiple snippets that can create a Rich Snippet on search results. Let’s say you have a blogpost that generates the following snippets:

  • WebPage
  • Review
  • Event

The Review- and the Event-Snippet can create a Rich Snippet on search results. But how do you tell search engines which one to show? Continue reading

Can I use multiple snippets on one page?

A new customer contacted me today and had a really good question. So I thought I can write a blogpost about it. The question was if it’s okay to have multiple snippets of the same type on one page. Here is the answer:

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Can the plugin be updated automatically?

Yes, but only with version 5.5 of WordPress and above. It brings all the necessary functions that are needed to update the plugin automatically over time.

Before WordPress 5.5 the plugin-update can be triggered from the “Update” menu in your WordPress dashboard.

Read more below if the update cannot be performed:

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I get an error that the domain is bound to another host.

This error occurs because CodeCanyon only sells licences that are available for a single domain. If you try to install the plugin on more than one domain, you’ll get the following error on the second domain:

“It seems that this purchase code is tied to another host. Please buy a new license in order to use this plugin on another sites.”


It seems that this purchase code is tied to another host and/or IP address. A purchase code can only be linked to one domain at a time.

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Can I use Yoast SEO title and description?

Yes, with the beginning of version 2.2.0 you can use the following three internal values (if Yoast SEO plugin is installed):

  • SEO title
  • SEO meta description
  • and the Primary Category

Choose one of the following values provided by the Yoast SEO plugin.

Does the plugin support custom fields?

In general, yes but there are limitations. Some of the plugins out there (like AdvancedCustomFields) save their data into the wp_postmeta database table. From there you can use the saved data to include it into your snippets.

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