Core: Organization

Organization schema that uses the site icon for the image, the blog URL and the blog Title for the organization url and name.

Use the following code to import a Global Snippet. Learn more about How to import and export Structured Data.

    "id": "snip-global-organization",
    "context": "http:\/\/",
    "type": "Organization",
    "url-prop-599be6521135e": {
        "0": "blog_url",
        "1": null,
        "overridable": false,
        "overridable_multiple": false
    "name-prop-599be652113e9": {
        "0": "blog_title",
        "1": null,
        "overridable": false,
        "overridable_multiple": false,
        "manual_data_expected": true
    "logo-prop-599be65211453": {
        "0": "site_icon_url",
        "1": null,
        "overridable": false,
        "overridable_multiple": false,
        "manual_data_expected": true
    "@id-prop-5d83322ce0854": {
        "0": "textfield",
        "1": "#organization",
        "overridable": false,
        "overridable_multiple": false
    "_is_export": true,
    "@ruleset": [
                "param": "page_type",
                "operator": "==",
                "value": "all"