Can the plugin be updated automatically?

Yes, but only with version 5.5 of WordPress and above. It brings all the necessary functions that are needed to update the plugin automatically over time.

Before WordPress 5.5 the plugin-update can be triggered from the “Update” menu in your WordPress dashboard.

Read more below if the update cannot be performed:

If activated, you should get notified by Envato via E-Mail if I push a new major version of the plugin. However you can get a) get the updates earlier and b) via your own WordPress dashboard. Here is how to do it:

How to activate automatic update-checks

If the plugin is not yet running or is not activated:

  1. Log-In to your WordPress dashboard
  2. Activate the snip plugin.
  3. Go to snip -> Activation.
  4. Enter your purchase code and click the big blue button.
  5. That’s it!

How to activate automatic updates

Note: This only works from WordPress 5.5 and above.

  1. Log-In to your WordPress dashboard.
  2. Go to “Plugins” in your WordPress dashboard.
  3. Click the “Enable auto-updates” for SNIP.
  4. That’s it.
  5. The row shows a message like this if there is an update: “Automatic update scheduled in x hours”.

Plugin says “Automatic update is unavailable for this plugin.”

The plugin may check for updates even before the purchase code was entered. Without a valid purchase code the plugin cannot validate your installation and therefore does not send an update package and you’ll get the error, that the automatic update is unavailable.

WordPress checks for updates every 12 hours. If the purchase code was entered correctly the update package will be sent to you when WordPress is doing the update-check.

If you want to speed things up, follow the steps below: What if updates do not appear?

Dashboard: What if updates do not appear?

The plugin only checks for updates every two days (or within the WordPress update-check). If you know that there is an update but WordPress does not notify you about the update, do the following:

  1. Log-In to your WordPress dashboard.
  2. Go to Dashboard -> Updates.
  3. If the update still does not show up, hit the “Check again” link on the very top of the page.
  4. That forces the plugin to check for an update immediately.
  5. After that, the update should appear.