From time to time customers ask me if SNIP has a negative impact on page load time. Here is the answer to that:
Continue readingCategory: Pre Sales Questions
How many rich snippets can be displayed simultaneously?
I’ve got a new pre-sales question from Tobe. He asked what the maximum Rich Snippets are that can be displayed at the same time. In this post you can find the answer.
Continue readingIs SNIP compatible with Yoast SEO?
Yes it is.
Continue readingCan I get a discount?
From time to time people are asking for a discount. To make it short: I’m afraid I can’t offer you any discounts due to technical reasons. Read on to learn more about this.
Continue readingDoes SNIP work with WP Job Manager?
Yes it does. However you need to work with overridable schema properties within SNIP because the WP Job Manager Plugin does not provide all fields that are necessary to add all recommended properties.
Continue readingCan I use the Rating Form plugin with SNIP?
Mohamed asked if it’s possible to use Rating Form plugin together with SNIP.
Continue readingHow does licensing work?
I’m a seller on Envato Market (CodeCanyon) so I’m bound to their license system. If you want to read more about their licensing, please go and read the information about the Standard License. They even have a FAQ page that should answer most of your questions as well.
Continue readingIs the plugin compatible with Easy Digital Downloads (EDD)?
There is currently no built-in support for this plugin. However we partially support WooCommerce.
Is the plugin compatible with Elementor?
Elementor is just a page builder. It normally has nothing to do with the schema markup that is generated for you.
Is the plugin up-to-date?
A question that I get asked from to time to time is if the plugin gets updated regularly. The answer is yes! The plugin exists since 2011 and it seems that it’s not going anywhere soon! 😉
Continue readingIs the plugin multisite-friendly?
Kind of. If you activate the plugin network-wide you have to setup each site separately. There is no “global schema page” that are included on all network-sites at once.
Do you offer a setup service?
Customers asked if I offer kind of a service to setup for them. Unfortunately I can’t do it myself. Please ask your personal Web Developer and / or SEO export to help you out on this.
Continue readingDoes the plugin work with Yandex?
Yandex is also one of the founders of the syntax. So yes, they support it. Please refer to their support pages to learn more about what exactly works and what not.
And before you ask: Yes, Bing also supports it. You can learn more about it on their help pages.
I want to build a Question and Answer site. Is that possible?
Yes, you would need to follow the instructions found here.
What Schema Markup is supported?
This plugin allows you to add every single schema markup found on Here is a complete list that shows all markups on one page.
Plus: the plugin allows you to add schemas from the hosted extensions that are not officially part of the main syntax. You can find a complete list on this page.
Here is a complete list, of schema classes / schema types the plugin:
- Article
- MovieSeries
- PhotographAction
- MusicEvent
- ScholarlyArticle
- ScheduleAction
- WholesaleStore
- ConvenienceStore
- PoliticalParty
- PropertyValueSpecification
- AMRadioChannel
- Trip
- MedicalGuidelineContraindication
- DrugPrescriptionStatus
- TextDigitalDocument
- TradeAction
- TelevisionStation
- DeliveryEvent
- SomeProducts
- AutomotiveBusiness
- QuantitativeValueDistribution
- Aquarium
- MedicalConditionStage
- AuthorizeAction
- ReviewAction
- MediaReview
- CourseInstance
- Taxon
- LocalBusiness
- TennisComplex
- Consortium
- Enumeration
- Preschool
- CheckOutAction
- RadioSeries
- Order
- PronounceableText
- DigitalPlatformEnumeration
- PaymentStatusType
- StatusEnumeration
- Beach
- Mosque
- MedicalGuideline
- ResearchOrganization
- SearchResultsPage
- BloodTest
- MedicalSign
- CatholicChurch
- MedicalObservationalStudyDesign
- City
- VideoObject
- PrependAction
- Hotel
- AcceptAction
- Text
- Motorcycle
- ReplaceAction
- EducationalOccupationalCredential
- LiquorStore
- ToyStore
- LodgingBusiness
- ChildrensEvent
- AutomatedTeller
- SportsClub
- BusOrCoach
- PriceSpecification
- AutoRental
- MerchantReturnPolicy
- EmployeeRole
- PresentationDigitalDocument
- Date
- PostalAddress
- AdultOrientedEnumeration
- PerformAction
- Guide
- StructuredValue
- TattooParlor
- WearableSizeGroupEnumeration
- EducationalAudience
- Vessel
- TechArticle
- BroadcastChannel
- Sculpture
- MedicalIndication
- PublicSwimmingPool
- MusicAlbumReleaseType
- Thesis
- ComicIssue
- TaxiService
- ConsumeAction
- StatisticalVariable
- Audiobook
- BreadcrumbList
- EducationEvent
- UserComments
- Diet
- OfficeEquipmentStore
- WantAction
- HowTo
- GovernmentBenefitsType
- State
- AccountingService
- CheckAction
- BookmarkAction
- MemberProgramTier
- AddAction
- DayOfWeek
- DrugCost
- Landform
- CorrectionComment
- Poster
- Boolean
- MedicalAudience
- PaymentChargeSpecification
- LakeBodyOfWater
- SocialMediaPosting
- OccupationalTherapy
- ReservationPackage
- Embassy
- AskPublicNewsArticle
- DaySpa
- CssSelectorType
- UserDownloads
- LibrarySystem
- ConstraintNode
- ParcelDelivery
- ProfilePage
- PostOffice
- MedicalContraindication
- OfferForLease
- LegalValueLevel
- Pharmacy
- TheaterEvent
- HealthTopicContent
- ResumeAction
- Property
- OpinionNewsArticle
- FinancialService
- Menu
- PlayAction
- CoverArt
- ReturnFeesEnumeration
- CafeOrCoffeeShop
- AdultEntertainment
- Newspaper
- TypeAndQuantityNode
- MapCategoryType
- BedAndBreakfast
- SizeSystemEnumeration
- MenuItem
- CriticReview
- HairSalon
- AdministrativeArea
- NailSalon
- Painting
- CollegeOrUniversity
- RadioBroadcastService
- Researcher
- SiteNavigationElement
- PublicationEvent
- GovernmentBuilding
- ComputerLanguage
- DrugCostCategory
- SeaBodyOfWater
- TheaterGroup
- ActionStatusType
- Certification
- DryCleaningOrLaundry
- ImageObjectSnapshot
- Game
- TouristTrip
- CompoundPriceSpecification
- MovieClip
- Action
- WPHeader
- DiscoverAction
- MedicalRiskEstimator
- CommunicateAction
- RadioEpisode
- HowToStep
- TravelAction
- CityHall
- MediaGallery
- WinAction
- Winery
- PerformingArtsTheater
- VideoGallery
- Crematorium
- MedicalDevicePurpose
- ConfirmAction
- PhysicalExam
- LendAction
- MedicalBusiness
- MolecularEntity
- NoteDigitalDocument
- MotorcycleDealer
- Table
- MediaSubscription
- WearableMeasurementTypeEnumeration
- CategoryCodeSet
- MeasurementMethodEnum
- ChemicalSubstance
- LoanOrCredit
- QualitativeValue
- BrokerageAccount
- DepositAccount
- DefinedRegion
- Integer
- Residence
- FAQPage
- LiveBlogPosting
- RiverBodyOfWater
- MemberProgram
- MusicVideoObject
- VirtualLocation
- BoatTrip
- Clip
- Taxi
- Distillery
- DepartAction
- Organization
- ReactAction
- ReplyAction
- FinancialProduct
- Nerve
- CarUsageType
- NLNonprofitType
- Intangible
- TrainReservation
- Language
- MovieTheater
- WebAPI
- VideoGameSeries
- Chapter
- XPathType
- DepartmentStore
- Playground
- BusinessFunction
- Blog
- BoatReservation
- FireStation
- Photograph
- PerformingGroup
- InvestmentOrDeposit
- Campground
- ChooseAction
- ActivateAction
- TierBenefitEnumeration
- TreatmentIndication
- ItemList
- DanceGroup
- OrderStatus
- BusStop
- OwnershipInfo
- HVACBusiness
- HowToItem
- PayAction
- Notary
- LoseAction
- ProductReturnPolicy
- Continent
- DrugStrength
- Physician
- RoofingContractor
- HinduTemple
- DietarySupplement
- VoteAction
- DownloadAction
- QAPage
- MediaManipulationRatingEnumeration
- HealthInsurancePlan
- Airport
- MortgageLoan
- CDCPMDRecord
- DDxElement
- ProductReturnEnumeration
- DataType
- Joint
- Bakery
- TVSeries
- LegalForceStatus
- Offer
- ImageObject
- HowToSection
- RecyclingCenter
- SoftwareSourceCode
- ShareAction
- ApprovedIndication
- DonateAction
- CreativeWork
- RVPark
- MerchantReturnPolicySeasonalOverride
- PlanAction
- Course
- BusStation
- WorkBasedProgram
- MovieRentalStore
- UnRegisterAction
- Canal
- PhysicalActivity
- MedicalGuidelineRecommendation
- JobPosting
- EmployerAggregateRating
- Play
- PlaceOfWorship
- QuoteAction
- GovernmentOffice
- EmailMessage
- MedicalWebPage
- VisualArtwork
- CommentAction
- WriteAction
- OfferForPurchase
- PaymentService
- GeospatialGeometry
- Synagogue
- ComedyEvent
- DataCatalog
- HealthAspectEnumeration
- MusicReleaseFormatType
- ExerciseAction
- EventSeries
- AdvertiserContentArticle
- TVSeason
- ShippingDeliveryTime
- Claim
- Episode
- OfferCatalog
- SportsActivityLocation
- CurrencyConversionService
- AmpStory
- MedicalRiskScore
- LinkRole
- RadiationTherapy
- HowToTool
- TakeAction
- BorrowAction
- ReturnAction
- EmploymentAgency
- EducationalOccupationalProgram
- GolfCourse
- Barcode
- Attorney
- Bridge
- TextObject
- Recipe
- Map
- GamePlayMode
- ComicSeries
- Distance
- PublicToilet
- GasStation
- TrackAction
- MediaEnumeration
- VeterinaryCare
- AnatomicalStructure
- ReserveAction
- ShippingRateSettings
- PodcastSeason
- GardenStore
- IgnoreAction
- SingleFamilyResidence
- Event
- Church
- ExercisePlan
- Schedule
- Quiz
- InsuranceAgency
- RadioSeason
- Plumber
- Suite
- AlignmentObject
- MerchantReturnEnumeration
- Store
- DisagreeAction
- PreOrderAction
- Brand
- Resort
- InformAction
- TVEpisode
- ComputerStore
- MedicalTest
- ArriveAction
- DiscussionForumPosting
- UserPageVisits
- NutritionInformation
- Product
- AssignAction
- LifestyleModification
- SolveMathAction
- MusicComposition
- MoveAction
- ListenAction
- MedicalTrial
- BookFormatType
- AgreeAction
- DrugLegalStatus
- PhysicalTherapy
- Energy
- MedicalProcedure
- TVClip
- ArchiveComponent
- EmployerReview
- SatiricalArticle
- WebSite
- PriceTypeEnumeration
- StupidType
- RecommendedDoseSchedule
- EntertainmentBusiness
- AmusementPark
- TireShop
- EventVenue
- OrganizationRole
- OnlineStore
- ReturnMethodEnumeration
- Person
- TouristInformationCenter
- SaleEvent
- Country
- ComedyClub
- MobileApplication
- MonetaryAmount
- SocialEvent
- UKNonprofitType
- DriveWheelConfigurationValue
- MeetingRoom
- ProgramMembership
- ProductModel
- HobbyShop
- Role
- IndividualProduct
- MedicalScholarlyArticle
- EndorseAction
- StatisticalPopulation
- Accommodation
- Apartment
- DatedMoneySpecification
- OrganizeAction
- DigitalDocumentPermission
- MarryAction
- QuantitativeValue
- UserCheckins
- PostalCodeRangeSpecification
- Hostel
- USNonprofitType
- CovidTestingFacility
- FlightReservation
- ImageGallery
- Recommendation
- FoodEstablishment
- Question
- PriceComponentTypeEnumeration
- BookSeries
- Car
- ReadAction
- RadioClip
- LikeAction
- GiveAction
- ProductGroup
- EUEnergyEfficiencyEnumeration
- Locksmith
- LegislationObject
- DrugPregnancyCategory
- DigitalDocument
- MedicalProcedureType
- Float
- HomeGoodsStore
- BusinessEvent
- MedicineSystem
- FoodService
- VideoGameClip
- DataFeed
- Room
- SportsOrganization
- SpecialAnnouncement
- VitalSign
- Time
- BroadcastService
- Legislation
- BoatTerminal
- Brewery
- GovernmentOrganization
- EnergyEfficiencyEnumeration
- GeoCircle
- HousePainter
- SheetMusic
- WorkersUnion
- Book
- EndorsementRating
- RadioStation
- MathSolver
- ElectronicsStore
- MedicalSpecialty
- WebContent
- ComicStory
- DataFeedItem
- MensClothingStore
- MotorcycleRepair
- PhysiciansOffice
- BowlingAlley
- FundingAgency
- MedicalImagingTechnique
- LegalService
- OceanBodyOfWater
- AutoPartsStore
- CompleteDataFeed
- BedDetails
- CookAction
- AggregateRating
- Festival
- Vehicle
- 3DModel
- InviteAction
- DeliveryMethod
- LeaveAction
- SportsTeam
- DiagnosticProcedure
- Hackathon
- DislikeAction
- WearAction
- PodcastEpisode
- MedicalCode
- TieAction
- ReturnLabelSourceEnumeration
- PhysicalActivityCategory
- IPTCDigitalSourceEnumeration
- InfectiousDisease
- RentalCarReservation
- ReportedDoseSchedule
- UnitPriceSpecification
- FilmAction
- MeasurementTypeEnumeration
- BlogPosting
- UpdateAction
- BikeStore
- Ligament
- OfferShippingDetails
- Season
- MusicGroup
- Grant
- EventReservation
- RepaymentSpecification
- TouristAttraction
- Thing
- WarrantyScope
- Vein
- MedicalObservationalStudy
- FloorPlan
- PodcastSeries
- GenderType
- EatAction
- EntryPoint
- MedicalDevice
- VacationRental
- Manuscript
- MedicalEvidenceLevel
- HardwareStore
- ClaimReview
- TouristDestination
- WebPageElement
- Rating
- CreateAction
- Report
- MedicalOrganization
- LodgingReservation
- AssessAction
- RsvpAction
- EnergyStarEnergyEfficiencyEnumeration
- EmergencyService
- BioChemEntity
- AutoRepair
- MonetaryGrant
- EducationalOrganization
- PathologyTest
- SoftwareApplication
- MedicalStudy
- BusTrip
- ApplyAction
- GeoShape
- ServiceChannel
- WebApplication
- MonetaryAmountDistribution
- PaymentCard
- TrainTrip
- IceCreamShop
- MaximumDoseSchedule
- Syllabus
- Review
- MusicAlbum
- HealthClub
- GovernmentService
- Dentist
- CreativeWorkSeries
- CollectionPage
- PoliceStation
- Ticket
- MedicalSymptom
- EventStatusType
- DataDownload
- SuspendAction
- WarrantyPromise
- GameAvailabilityEnumeration
- NewsArticle
- HealthAndBeautyBusiness
- ArchiveOrganization
- MusicAlbumProductionType
- SellAction
- PawnShop
- WPAdBlock
- MedicalClinic
- FindAction
- Seat
- Artery
- NewsMediaOrganization
- UseAction
- ShoppingCenter
- Optician
- DoseSchedule
- AboutPage
- AutoBodyShop
- AutoWash
- OrderAction
- MedicalTestPanel
- DiagnosticLab
- InteractionCounter
- SuperficialAnatomy
- MiddleSchool
- BackgroundNewsArticle
- ComicCoverArt
- SurgicalProcedure
- CampingPitch
- HighSchool
- Waterfall
- WPFooter
- PublicationIssue
- MedicalEnumeration
- MedicalRiskFactor
- ClothingStore
- DefenceEstablishment
- BedType
- APIReference
- Florist
- CreditCard
- JewelryStore
- WPSideBar
- MovingCompany
- Dataset
- UserLikes
- TravelAgency
- DeactivateAction
- DateTime
- VideoObjectSnapshot
- Atlas
- AudioObjectSnapshot
- MotorizedBicycle
- PaintAction
- PsychologicalTreatment
- Periodical
- MedicalTrialDesign
- MediaObject
- CheckInAction
- WearableSizeSystemEnumeration
- Motel
- Conversation
- AnalysisNewsArticle
- BarOrPub
- ItemListOrderType
- ContactPoint
- Pond
- Answer
- RestrictedDiet
- Code
- ScreeningEvent
- CableOrSatelliteService
- SchoolDistrict
- CheckoutPage
- MedicalCause
- Substance
- MenuSection
- BroadcastEvent
- InsertAction
- EventAttendanceModeEnumeration
- ShortStory
- UserPlays
- GatedResidenceCommunity
- SizeGroupEnumeration
- OutletStore
- MediaReviewItem
- Restaurant
- Electrician
- RsvpResponseType
- AllocateAction
- WatchAction
- DeleteAction
- PetStore
- ProductCollection
- ActionAccessSpecification
- Reservation
- FundingScheme
- RentAction
- FurnitureStore
- BookStore
- HowToSupply
- BuddhistTemple
- OrderItem
- AnatomicalSystem
- TransferAction
- AudioObject
- JoinAction
- SpreadsheetDigitalDocument
- FastFoodRestaurant
- Protein
- SkiResort
- MedicalEntity
- ReceiveAction
- Volcano
- DanceEvent
- MedicalIntangible
- UserReview
- BusReservation
- GeneralContractor
- Patient
- HyperToc
- RealEstateAgent
- Bone
- HomeAndConstructionBusiness
- RealEstateListing
- Drug
- Quantity
- Library
- School
- MedicalRiskCalculator
- DrawAction
- GeoCoordinates
- StadiumOrArena
- InstallAction
- ResearchProject
- SportingGoodsStore
- FollowAction
- ImagingTest
- Mountain
- Service
- ControlAction
- BoardingPolicyType
- PlayGameAction
- Collection
- ParkingFacility
- ApartmentComplex
- CivicStructure
- Courthouse
- SearchAction
- SendAction
- DefinedTerm
- BusinessAudience
- EngineSpecification
- FMRadioChannel
- AggregateOffer
- Audience
- DrugClass
- Reservoir
- AnimalShelter
- HealthPlanFormulary
- HowToDirection
- ReservationStatusType
- Specialty
- LearningResource
- TrainStation
- LymphaticVessel
- Corporation
- ChildCare
- ArtGallery
- MedicalTherapy
- Duration
- Airline
- BodyMeasurementTypeEnumeration
- SubwayStation
- MusicRecording
- Drawing
- WebPage
- OnlineBusiness
- ReviewNewsArticle
- FoodEvent
- LandmarksOrHistoricalBuildings
- CategoryCode
- SportsEvent
- UserPlusOnes
- Number
- NightClub
- TelevisionChannel
- PreventionIndication
- HealthPlanNetwork
- BankAccount
- ShoeStore
- SpeakableSpecification
- LiteraryEvent
- GameServer
- RefundTypeEnumeration
- SeekToAction
- Hospital
- HowToTip
- BeautySalon
- OfferItemCondition
- BrainStructure
- AppendAction
- AchieveAction
- MusicVenue
- Series
- Statement
- Permit
- AskAction
- HealthPlanCostSharingSpecification
- Observation
- OnDemandEvent
- GovernmentPermit
- NonprofitType
- Casino
- MoneyTransfer
- ListItem
- Mass
- MusicRelease
- Invoice
- ProfessionalService
- Cemetery
- DrinkAction
- BefriendAction
- PaymentMethod
- DefinedTermSet
- ViewAction
- Museum
- Park
- GameServerStatus
- UserInteraction
- ItemPage
- SizeSpecification
- Flight
- Quotation
- SubscribeAction
- Comment
- House
- MobilePhoneStore
- LegislativeBuilding
- MedicalSignOrSymptom
- Muscle
- ParentAudience
- RegisterAction
- BusinessEntityType
- LocationFeatureSpecification
- OccupationalExperienceRequirements
- RejectAction
- CreativeWorkSeason
- InvestmentFund
- ItemAvailability
- ReportageNewsArticle
- TipAction
- BuyAction
- VisualArtsEvent
- BodyOfWater
- Message
- TaxiReservation
- HyperTocEntry
- Class
- ContactPage
- Demand
- FoodEstablishmentReservation
- IndividualPhysician
- CertificationStatusEnumeration
- PerformanceRole
- MedicalStudyStatus
- SteeringPositionValue
- ContactPointOption
- DeliveryChargeSpecification
- ExerciseGym
- BankOrCreditUnion
- OpeningHoursSpecification
- Place
- PaymentMethodType
- GroceryStore
- Movie
- CancelAction
- Zoo
- UserBlocks
- MedicalCondition
- PropertyValue
- TherapeuticProcedure
- Project
- InternetCafe
- AutoDealer
- SearchRescueOrganization
- Occupation
- TaxiStand
- UserTweets
- PalliativeProcedure
- MedicalAudienceType
- Gene
- ExhibitionEvent
- HotelRoom
- VideoGame
- RadioChannel
- PublicationVolume
- EnergyConsumptionDetails
- DeliveryTimeSettings
- MusicPlaylist
- InteractAction
- BroadcastFrequencySpecification
- ElementarySchool
- MusicStore
- InfectiousAgentClass
- PeopleAudience
- SelfStorage
- ExchangeRateSpecification
- DigitalDocumentPermissionType
Does the plugin add content to each website page?
The answer to this questions (obviously) is yes as we have to output readable structured data so that search engines can read it.
However the data that is outputted is not visible to the end user. It’s only readable by search engines.
If you would view the sourcecode of one of your pages, you would find lines starting with something that looks like this:
<script data-snippet_id="snip-59a6a8000b284" type="application/ld+json">...</scrtip>
The data that can be found between these lines is the actual structured data that is formatted in JSON+LD format.
Can I create a star rating system with this plugin?
SNIP, the Structured Data Plugin for WordPress allows you to create Rich Snippets that produce stars in search results. However it does not allow your users to rate your blog post as it’s not a rating plugin. That means it has no built-in rating system that counts automatically.
Continue readingWhat are the requirements to run this plugin?
You can find the latest requirements on this page.
What is Schema Markup, Rich Snippets and/or Rich Search Results?
Update Dec. 2018: I’ve a new Structured Data Training Course that explains everything in more detail. It’s free. So hop over to start the training.
In this video I want to answer the following questions:
Continue readingCan I create structured data automatically from post content?
You’re definitely looking onto the right plugin. It allows you to add so called “global snippets”. That means that you can add snippets for specific posts, post types, categories or whatever you need and add them dynamically depending on your rules. Continue reading