Does this plugin work with All In One WP Security?

Yes it does. However you need to deactivate the “Advanced Character String Filter” under WP-Security > Firewall > Additional Firewall Rules. Otherwise the plugin will prevent the Rich Snippet Plugin to load some important JavaScript files that it needs to load properly.

Advanced Character String Filter Setting
Deactivate this setting to make the Rich Snippet Plugin to work properly

How can I modify Structured Data from WooCommerce products?

The plugin cannot modify any snippets created by WooCommerce. However you can completely deactivate the generation of snippets created from it. Then you can re-create the products snippet on your own. In version 2.2 the plugin has almost full WooCommerce support. So it might be that you get in trouble by creating snippets for variable products with multiple prices, for example.

Continue reading

Research Paper Says Rich Snippets are Compelling

Some days ago I’ve read an interesting article about semantic data and how it affects a sites SEO. “Semantic data” in this case is the data you provide to search engines and that has been processed specially for them. In short: we’re talking about syntax and Rich Snippets.

If you don’t know what Rich Snippets are, go to the home page of this site to learn more.

The research paper I’m talking about were put together by a team at WordLift. Data results were presented at SEMANTiCS 2017 and posted on TorqueMag. I won’t go into every detail as you can read through the whole story yourself. However what blow my mind was the fact that a website was able

  • to get +12.13% new users,
  • saw a +18.47% increase in organic traffic,
  • increased page views +2.4 times,
  • and expanded session duration by +13.75%

Just by adding data! Sounds to good to be true? I’m telling you: it’s not. Why? Because and Rich Snippets are around for a while. It’s not something new. It’s not something special. Search engines force you to add semantic data to your website, too. Why not, using the Rich Snippet WordPress Plugin?

Does the plugin work with PageBuilders?

Some of you asked if the plugin is compatible to page builders like Beaver Builder, Elementor or Divi Builder. Except of the Divi Builder and the Avada-Builder I’ve not tested the other ones. However the plugin should be compatible as it does not add anything to the builders itself. The Rich Snippets will appear on the frontend as a JavaScript, not visible to the end user but readable to search engines.

Maybe also interesting for you:

Fix missing logo URL error on publisher information

Sometimes you get an error from the Rich Snippets Test Tool by Google that says that the image URL is missing. If this is the case, you maybe did not define a Site Identity Logo in WordPress. So to fix this you can do one of the following (A or B):

Solution A:

  1. Login to your WordPress Dashboard.
  2. Go to Appearance > Customize.
  3. Click on “Site Identity”.
  4. Upload an image in the section where it says “Site icon”.

Solution B:

There are several reasons why you don’t have the “Site Identity” option:

  • You’re using an old WordPress version.
  • Your theme removed the setting from the customizer.
  • Or you don’t want to use the site icon image.

In this case, do the following to add an image manually:

  1. Login to your WordPress Dashboard.
  2. Go to “snip – The Rich Snippets Plugin” > Global Snippets.
  3. Edit the “Organization” Snippet.
  4. Scroll down to the property.
  5. Then edit the three image-properties as shown in the image below by setting the dropdown from their original properties to “Direct text input”. Then enter:
    1. The image URL to the logo.
    2. The width of the image.
    3. The height of the image.

Rich Snippet for an Organization
Change these three properties if you want to edit the logo image manually

How to reference to something in the text editor

Referencing to content is outdated and will not work as of version 2.2.0! Referencing from JSON+LD format to HTML no longer works. The reference shortcode will be removed in version 2.2. Please read more on how to make the switch here.

Update July 30, 2018: There is currently a new schema type in development that would allow to reference something in the HTML sourcecode. It’s called CssSelectorType. However this type is currently in development and not supported by the major search engines. Once this is approved, the following information should work again as described.

Today I’ve got a question from Björn who works a lot with recipes on his website. He had a question about how to reference to some content in the editor. Here I describe how this works: Continue reading

When do snippets show up on search results?

Unfortunately, there is still no statement from the major search engines as to whether, how and when rich snippets will appear in their search results. This makes it very difficult to give you an accurate answer. Here are some hints that might help:

Continue reading

What is the hentry CSS class?

Before came out there was another possibility to add structured data to a website: The website offered a really simple way of adding structured data: CSS classes. So every single theme author was able to add structured data by just adding CSS classes to HTML-Elements. However in 2017 we have which is much wider supported by many search engines. And now we don’t longer need these microformats. Unfortunately some older (and even new) themes still add those microformat CSS classes. The plugin can try to remove some of them for you so that it does not confuse search engines when you use


The hentry class is one of the so called “microformats” and it was used to show search engines where they can find the main content of a page.


However there were even more microformats like the “vcard” that was used like a (as the name suggests) business card and to tell search engines more about the people on the website (like the author).

Why should I surround my content with a DIV?

This information is outdated and no longer works. Update: July 30, 2018: There is currently a pending schema Type called CssSelectorType that would allow to use content from the current HTML page. However this is currently pending. Once this is approved the below information should work as described again.

A div-Element in HTML is just a section that has no layout. That means, surrounding your main content area will have no visual affect in most themes. However it allows to give the content an ID. For example if you wrote a post the sourcecode of the content could look like this:

No Div

<p>Praesent commodo cursus magna, vel scelerisque nisl consectetur et.</p>
<p>Maecenas sed diam eget risus varius blandit sit amet non magna. Nullam id dolor id nibh ultricies vehicula ut id elit.</p>

Here is what it looks like when surround it with a <div>-Element:

With DIV

<div><p>Praesent commodo cursus magna, vel scelerisque nisl consectetur et.</p>
<p>Maecenas sed diam eget risus varius blandit sit amet non magna. Nullam id dolor id nibh ultricies vehicula ut id elit.</p></div>

What the DIV-Element allows us is to give it an unique ID that we can refer to:

With DIV and ID

<div id="the_content"><p>Praesent commodo cursus magna, vel scelerisque nisl consectetur et.</p>
<p>Maecenas sed diam eget risus varius blandit sit amet non magna. Nullam id dolor id nibh ultricies vehicula ut id elit.</p></div>

With that ID it’s possible to refer to that content in a Rich Snippet.

Usage in a Rich Snippet

For example if you take a look at the Article-Snippet (that comes shipped with the plugin) you can find a property called This property usually inherits the content of a post. To avoid posting your complete content into this property we can instead refer to the main content in a post via the ID so that you don’t need to worry about changing it when the main post content gets changed.

Once the setting called “Surround main content with a DIV so that it can be addressed by snippets.” is active, you will see a new option called “Link to current post content” when you select the value for the property.

Property selection in the rich snippet plugin
Refer to the content via its ID.

How to add a Rich Snippet to a blog post

There is a completely now Structured Data Training Course that you can take for free!

Please watch the videos from the training linked above. The video below may show outdated pictures!

German / Deutsch

Mein Structured Data Training Kurs ist nun online. Er zeigt auf, was struktuierte Daten sind und wie SNIP funktioniert. Der Kurs ist derzeit allerdings nur auf englisch erhältlich.

Bitte beachte die Videos im Training, welcher oben verlinkt ist. Unten stehendes Video könnte veraltete Inhalte zeigen.


[video_1 title=”The Donut” date=”30.11.2015″ thumbnail=””]Praesent commodo cursus magna, vel scelerisque nisl consectetur et. Vestibulum id ligula porta felis euismod semper. Nullam id dolor id nibh ultricies vehicula ut id elit. Morbi leo risus, porta ac consectetur ac, vestibulum at eros. Integer posuere erat a ante venenatis dapibus posuere velit aliquet.[/video_1]

Test this shortcode with Googles Structured Test Tool.

Event 2

[event2 name=”Fotokurz – za?áte?níci” street=”Masarykovo náb?eží 22″ zip=”110 00″ locality=”Praha 1″ country=”Czech Republic” url=”” start_date=”01.10.2018″ end_date=”02.10.2018″ organization=”Klub cestovatel?” image=”” price=200 availabilitystarts=”01.12.2017″]Etiam porta sem malesuada magna mollis euismod. Integer posuere erat a ante venenatis dapibus posuere velit aliquet. Maecenas sed diam eget risus varius blandit sit amet non magna. Praesent commodo cursus magna, vel scelerisque nisl consectetur et.[/event2]

Test this Site using the Structured Test Tool

Minimalistic Product

[minproduct name=”Rich Snippet Plugin” price=”11″ rating=”5″][/minproduct]

On this page is a hidden minimal product. You can see it using the Structured Data Tool on Google.

Recipe for Donuts (hidden)

This page has a hidden shortcode/rich snippet for a a donut-recipe.

[nopublicrecipe name=”Donuts” recipetype=”dessert” photo=”” published=”19.11.2012″ preptime=”15″ cooktime=”30″ totaltime=”45″ nutrition=”250″ yield=”10 pieces” ingredients=”5 eggs, 250g suggar, 250g margarine, 250g flour, 5g baking powder” summary=”Easy and quick donuts” rating=”5″ count=”35″ author=”Flow” thumbnail=””]
Mix all the ingredients to a smooth dough. Back it in a Donut Maker for 3-4 minutes.

Photo: © alain wacquier –

Test this shortcode with the rich snippet testing tool

This is how it should look like:

Recipe Snippet Demo
Recipe Snippet Demo

Software Application

This blog entry has a not-visible shortcode that shows a software application syntax to search engines.

You can test it wich Google’s Rich Snippet Testing Tool here.

[softwareapplication image=”” price=”10″ rating=”10″ best_rating=”10″ language=”German” operatingsystem=”WordPress” category=”Plugins” currency=”USD”]An easy to use WordPress plugin that allows to make paragraph spacings and line breaks.[/softwareapplication]

Organization (no public)

[organizationnopublic url=”” telephone=”+49 (0) 89 / 29 01 36-1 00″ streetaddress=”Platzl 9″ locality=”München” region=”Bayern” postalcode=”80331″ countryname=”Germany” name=”Hofbräuhaus München”][/organizationnopublic]

On this page an organization shortcode has been included. It’s not visible to the public but can be found by search engines. Click here to check this with Googles Rich Snippet Testing Tool.


Address (no public)

[addressnopublic streetaddress=”Platzl 9″ locality=”Munich” region=”Bayern” postalcode=”80331″ countryname=”Germany”][/addressnopublic]

On this page a address shortcode is included but not visible to the public. Check the result with Googles Rich Snippet Testing Tool (scroll down to the end of the page to see the address).

Organization Logo

[organization url=”” logo=””][/organization]

Hidden Product

This page has an hidden product shortcode. You can find a detailed description on the Rich Snippet WordPress Plugin FAQ.

[hiddenproduct name=”Schema Corporate WordPress Theme” image=”” description=”A WordPress Theme with full support” brand=”WPBuddy” identifier=”WPB-SCT” price=”69″ rating=”7″][/hiddenproduct]

Test this shortcode with Google

Rich Snippets Product Hidden for the User
Rich Snippets Product Hidden for the User

Product Review

[productreview product_name=” WordPress Theme” img_src=”” rating_value=”5″ price=”69″ review_author_name=”WP-Buddy” review_date=”09.09.2013″ review_subject=”Best Theme Ever” review_worst_rating=”0″ review_rating_value=”5″ review_best_rating=”5″ review_description=”Full integration of is great!” ]A WordPress Theme that fully supports syntax[/productreview]

Test this shortcode with Google’s Rich Snippet Tool

Product Review Rich Snippet Example
Product Review Rich Snippet Example

Page with no public rating

This page has a rating which is not displayed to the public. But please note that Google don’t like hidden things. In fact this rating will maybe never show up on search results (because it’s hidden to the public). Click here to find out how this works (FAQ Question 8).

Test this page with the Rich Snippet Testing Tool

[rating_no_public itemreviewed=”WP-Buddy Rating Plugin” rating=”10″ reviewer=”WP-Buddy” dtreviewed=”22.04.2013″ best=”10″ worst=”1″][/rating_no_public]


[rating itemreviewed=”iPhone 5″ rating=”7″ reviewer=”wpbuddy” dtreviewed=”16.11.2012″ summary=”This is really cool stuff” best=”10″ worst=”0″]

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum. Stet clita kasd gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus est Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum. Stet clita kasd gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus est Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.



Test this shortcode with the rich snippet testing tool


Recipe for Donuts

[recipe name=”Donuts” recipetype=”dessert” photo=”” published=”19.11.2012″ preptime=”15″ cooktime=”30″ totaltime=”45″ nutrition=”250″ yield=”10 pieces” ingredients=”5 eggs, 250g suggar, 250g margarine, 250g flour, 5g baking powder” summary=”Easy and quick donuts” rating=”5″ count=”35″ author=”Flow” thumbnail=””]
Mix all the ingredients to a smooth dough. Back it in a Donut Maker for 3-4 minutes.

Photo: © alain wacquier –

Test this shortcode with the rich snippet testing tool

This is how it should look like:

Recipe Snippet Demo
Recipe Snippet Demo

MusicGroup for “Robbie Wiliams – Take the crown”

[musicgroup actor=”Robbie Wililams” albumname=”Take the crown”]

[musicrecording name=”Be A Boy” minutes=”4″ seconds=”39″ userplays=”1000″ playurl=”″ buyurl=”″ albumurl=”″ albumname=”Take the crown”][/musicrecording]

[musicrecording name=”Gospel” minutes=”4″ seconds=”26″ userplays=”499″ playurl=”″ buyurl=”″ albumurl=”″ albumname=”Take the crown”][/musicrecording]


Test this shortcode with Google



[event name=”Cool Eventname” street=”Platzl 9″ zip=”80331″ locality=”München” country=”Germany” url=”” start_date=”14.12.2018″ end_date=”16.12.2018″ latitude=”48.137307″ longitude=”11.580357″ organization=”Hofbräuhaus München” image=”” availabilitystarts=”01.11.2018″ price=”99″]Cool Event im Hofbräuhaus Munich[/event]

Test this shortcode with Google



[people name=”WPBuddy” photo=”” title=”Dipl. Ing. (FH)” role=”” url=”” affiliation=”WP-Buddy Engineer”][/people]

Test this shortcode with Google



[restaurant name=”Hofbräuhaus München” ratingvalue=”8″ streetaddress=”Platzl 9″ addresslocality=”Muenchen” addressregion=”BY” postalcode=”80331″ telephone=”+49 (0) 89 / 29 01 36-1 00″ url=”” openinghours1=”Mo-Su 09:00-23:30″ openinghours2=”” categories=”Bavarian,German” pricerange=”$$” image=””][/restaurant]

Test with Google Rich Snippet Testing Tool

This shortcode is not part of the examples. But you can install it on your own by copy&pasting the sourcecode from this page: Rich Snippets Code Examples