SNIP » Search results for "structured data" (: Page 3)

Google wants to see the url and priceValidUntil

A few days ago some customers reported that Google now wants to see the url as well as the priceValidUntil properties for all Offers. Here is how you can deal with this. Here are the exact warnings that Googles Structured Data Test Tools shows: The priceValidUntil field is recommended. Please provide a value if available. […]

How to use a product attribute from WooCommerce

Since version 2.5 it’s possible to add product attributes to your global snippets as well. Here is how this works:


The current version number is: . The required WordPress version for this plugin is: or higher. Check the full version history. Have any questions that have not yet been answered? Ask a question in the forum. Looking for a support form? Click here. Pre-Sales Questions What are the requirements? How does the licensing work? Is […]

What’s new in version 2.6?

Another month went by and I’ve worked very hard to ship the next version. This was particular difficult for me because I haven’t got a lot of time to work on the code itself.

How to generate a BreadcrumbList Schema

A breadcrumb trail on a page indicates the page’s position in the site hierarchy. A user can navigate all the way up in the site hierarchy, one level at a time, by starting from the last breadcrumb in the breadcrumb list. Google uses the BreadcrumbList Schema-Type to show it in search results. You can read […]

Why you should not markup reviews from Yelp, Google Maps and others.

Search Engine Land reported last month that it’s okay to post reviews from other sites (like Yelp, Google Maps, etc.) on your website. However you should not mark them up with structured data as this is against Googles guidelines. The reason is that the markup is reserved for reviews “directly produced by your site” […]

Bing Webmaster Tools now has a JSON+LD validator

Last month, Bing has announced, that their Webmaster Tools now has a JSON+LD tool that allows everyone to check if the structured data, that has been included on a site, has a valid syntax. Awesome!

How to add @id field to a snippet

Especially if you want to build complex structured data, you want to connect them in a certain way. This is where the @id-property comes in. Here is how you can work with that.

Do you offer a setup service?

Customers asked if I offer kind of a service to setup for them. Unfortunately I can’t do it myself. Please ask your personal Web Developer and / or SEO export to help you out on this.

Does the plugin add content to each website page?

The answer to this questions (obviously) is yes as we have to output readable structured data so that search engines can read it. However the data that is outputted is not visible to the end user. It’s only readable by search engines. If you would view the sourcecode of one of your pages, you would […]

Can I create a star rating system with this plugin?

SNIP, the Structured Data Plugin for WordPress allows you to create Rich Snippets that produce stars in search results. However it does not allow your users to rate your blog post as it’s not a rating plugin. That means it has no built-in rating system that counts automatically.

What is Schema Markup, Rich Snippets and/or Rich Search Results?

Update Dec. 2018: I’ve a new Structured Data Training Course that explains everything in more detail. It’s free. So hop over to start the training. In this video I want to answer the following questions:

How to build a proper LocalBusiness Rich Snippet

Jayne sent me an email today. She wanted to know how to properly build a Rich Snippet for Businesses. She wrote that her competitor has stars in his search results and she wants to do the same but don’t know how it works. Jayne, I’m here to help. So please read on!

What are Global Snippets?

Global Snippets are a beautiful thing. They allow you to add one rich snippet to many posts at once. But how does it work exactly? How to create a global Rich Snippet When you activate the plugin you will see a new menu item under “snip” in your WordPress dashboard. It’s named “Global Snippets”. Just […]

I get an error that the domain is bound to another host.

This error occurs because CodeCanyon only sells licences that are available for a single domain. If you try to install the plugin on more than one domain, you’ll get the following error on the second domain: “It seems that this purchase code is tied to another host. Please buy a new license in order to […]

How to set up a Rich Snippet for a WooCommerce Product

After the long post I wrote about Schema for WooCommerce, customers asked how it’s actually done. How can one build his or her own Rich Snippets? In an email a customer of mine, Michael, asked if I could do a blogpost or a video about how to set up SNIP, my Structured Data Plugin for […]

How to properly create a rating to a thing

Oliver asked via E-Mail on how to do a proper AggregateRating as he has seen that his competitor is using it as well. In this post I will show you how to create a proper aggregateRating by using snip –  The Structured Data and Schema WordPress Plugin.

Does the plugin work with WooCommerce?

Yes, there is a built-in support for it. WooCommerce creates Structured Data on its own. My plugin gives you the opportunity to remove structured data from WooCommerce so that you can create your own.

When do snippets show up on search results?

Unfortunately, there is still no statement from the major search engines as to whether, how and when rich snippets will appear in their search results. This makes it very difficult to give you an accurate answer. Here are some hints that might help:

What is the hentry CSS class?

Before came out there was another possibility to add structured data to a website: The website offered a really simple way of adding structured data: CSS classes. So every single theme author was able to add structured data by just adding CSS classes to HTML-Elements. However in 2017 we have which is […]

How to add a Rich Snippet to a blog post

There is a completely now Structured Data Training Course that you can take for free! Please watch the videos from the training linked above. The video below may show outdated pictures! German / Deutsch Mein Structured Data Training Kurs ist nun online. Er zeigt auf, was struktuierte Daten sind und wie SNIP funktioniert. Der Kurs […]

Frequently Asked Questions

Have questions? You have multiple options: Please read the documentation if you want to learn how to use the plugin. If you’re not familiar with Structured Data and Rich Snippets in general, please feel free to take the Structured Data Training Course. Maybe your questions have been answered already already: take a look at the […]

Minimalistic Product

[minproduct name=”Rich Snippet Plugin” price=”11″ rating=”5″][/minproduct] On this page is a hidden minimal product. You can see it using the Structured Data Tool on Google.

Add Merchant fields to WooCommerce offers

I’ve been asked several times how to extend the WooCommerce: Offers” field type to include the Offer schema with additional information like hasMerchantReturnPolicy and shippingDetails. Here’s how to do it.

How to add block content

Since version 2.26. SNIP can add content from a block that was made with the new block editor (called Gutenberg). Here is how that works:

About possessive customers and the setup wizard

Actually, this post should appear tomorrow (my rhythm is currently Monday and Thursday) but since my son turns one year old on Friday (🥳) I’m trying to free up the day. But that’s just a side note. This blog post is about very possessive customers and the current status of my setup assistant.

50% OFF Snip during CyberMonday Week

Hey there. I hope you’re all doing very well during these strange times. Believe it or not, corona is still a thing but BlackFriday stays 😉

Does the plugin work with Yandex?

Yandex is also one of the founders of the syntax. So yes, they support it. Please refer to their support pages to learn more about what exactly works and what not. And before you ask: Yes, Bing also supports it. You can learn more about it on their help pages.

How to build a Question-And-Answer snippet

Ben asked the question on how to add Questions and Answers. Here is a quick “How to” for a single post. Basically you need two schema types here: Question and QAPage.

Can I use multiple snippets on one page?

A new customer contacted me today and had a really good question. So I thought I can write a blogpost about it. The question was if it’s okay to have multiple snippets of the same type on one page. Here is the answer:

How to make global snippet properties overridable in each post

In version 2.2.0 of SNIP, the Rich Snippet WordPress Plugin, there is a cool new feature that allows you to overwrite global parameters directly in your posts. If you’re new to SNIP, please take a look at the Structured Training Course. There are also two videos in the training that are related to Global Snippets: […]


[video_1 title=”The Donut” date=”30.11.2015″ thumbnail=””]Praesent commodo cursus magna, vel scelerisque nisl consectetur et. Vestibulum id ligula porta felis euismod semper. Nullam id dolor id nibh ultricies vehicula ut id elit. Morbi leo risus, porta ac consectetur ac, vestibulum at eros. Integer posuere erat a ante venenatis dapibus posuere velit aliquet.[/video_1] Test this shortcode with Googles […]

Event 2

[event2 name=”Fotokurz – za?áte?níci” street=”Masarykovo náb?eží 22″ zip=”110 00″ locality=”Praha 1″ country=”Czech Republic” url=”” start_date=”01.10.2018″ end_date=”02.10.2018″ organization=”Klub cestovatel?” image=”” price=200 availabilitystarts=”01.12.2017″]Etiam porta sem malesuada magna mollis euismod. Integer posuere erat a ante venenatis dapibus posuere velit aliquet. Maecenas sed diam eget risus varius blandit sit amet non magna. Praesent commodo cursus magna, vel scelerisque nisl […]

Recipe for Donuts (hidden)

This page has a hidden shortcode/rich snippet for a a donut-recipe. [nopublicrecipe name=”Donuts” recipetype=”dessert” photo=”” published=”19.11.2012″ preptime=”15″ cooktime=”30″ totaltime=”45″ nutrition=”250″ yield=”10 pieces” ingredients=”5 eggs, 250g suggar, 250g margarine, 250g flour, 5g baking powder” summary=”Easy and quick donuts” rating=”5″ count=”35″ author=”Flow” thumbnail=””] Mix all the ingredients to a smooth dough. Back it in a Donut Maker […]

Software Application

This blog entry has a not-visible shortcode that shows a software application syntax to search engines. You can test it wich Google’s Rich Snippet Testing Tool here. [softwareapplication image=”” price=”10″ rating=”10″ best_rating=”10″ language=”German” operatingsystem=”WordPress” category=”Plugins” currency=”USD”]An easy to use WordPress plugin that allows to make paragraph spacings and line breaks.[/softwareapplication]

Organization (no public)

[organizationnopublic url=”” telephone=”+49 (0) 89 / 29 01 36-1 00″ streetaddress=”Platzl 9″ locality=”München” region=”Bayern” postalcode=”80331″ countryname=”Germany” name=”Hofbräuhaus München”][/organizationnopublic] On this page an organization shortcode has been included. It’s not visible to the public but can be found by search engines. Click here to check this with Googles Rich Snippet Testing Tool.  

Address (no public)

[addressnopublic streetaddress=”Platzl 9″ locality=”Munich” region=”Bayern” postalcode=”80331″ countryname=”Germany”][/addressnopublic] On this page a address shortcode is included but not visible to the public. Check the result with Googles Rich Snippet Testing Tool (scroll down to the end of the page to see the address).

Hidden Product

This page has an hidden product shortcode. You can find a detailed description on the Rich Snippet WordPress Plugin FAQ. [hiddenproduct name=”Schema Corporate WordPress Theme” image=”” description=”A WordPress Theme with full support” brand=”WPBuddy” identifier=”WPB-SCT” price=”69″ rating=”7″][/hiddenproduct] Test this shortcode with Google

Product Review

[productreview product_name=” WordPress Theme” img_src=”” rating_value=”5″ price=”69″ review_author_name=”WP-Buddy” review_date=”09.09.2013″ review_subject=”Best Theme Ever” review_worst_rating=”0″ review_rating_value=”5″ review_best_rating=”5″ review_description=”Full integration of is great!” ]A WordPress Theme that fully supports syntax[/productreview] Test this shortcode with Google’s Rich Snippet Tool

Page with no public rating

This page has a rating which is not displayed to the public. But please note that Google don’t like hidden things. In fact this rating will maybe never show up on search results (because it’s hidden to the public). Click here to find out how this works (FAQ Question 8). Test this page with the […]


  Test this shortcode with Google


[rating itemreviewed=”iPhone 5″ rating=”7″ reviewer=”wpbuddy” dtreviewed=”16.11.2012″ summary=”This is really cool stuff” best=”10″ worst=”0″] Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum. Stet clita kasd gubergren, no sea […]